Monday, February 8, 2010

Farewell Blight, Hello Nirvana

We are all glad to be part of a trustful organization that's willing to support us 110%. To clear some things up, we never signed with Blight for the past 2 months, and have only been playing under their name. Due to a few of problems occuring in and out, we decided Blight wasn't the best for us and moved on. I myself cannot wait for our next official match playing under Nirvana =)

For full information and a statement from our sponsors+me

support us at #nirvana.dota @ quakenet!


  1. Congratulations. I'm just excited knowing they're sponsoring 5 LAN events every year! YaY!

  2. Good and fresh news :)
    thanks miley for keep the fans uptaded with your team GJ Keep on it :P

    P.D: I didnt get first post T__T

  3. Why did u stop posting miley cyrus songs? LOL

  4. should have read the comment section on gosugamers of the news post when you joined blight

    would have told you enough to leave them
